29 Jan General urology Kidney stone 03.06.2024 By priba Facebook Twitter linkedin Viber What is and how is a kidney stone formed? A kidney stone is a hard, irregularly shaped mass that varies in size...Continue reading
19 Jan blog Where is the way out of life in the wrong skin? 03.06.2024 By priba Facebook Twitter linkedin Viber Watch an interesting and useful guest appearance by Dr. Vladimir Kojović , a specialist in urology and children's surgery, in the progr...Continue reading
30 Oct blog, Functional urology Urinary Incontinence – involuntary urination in women, prevention and solutions – Dr. Slađana Kovačević, urologist 03.06.2024 By priba Facebook Twitter linkedin Viber Belgrade, 30 October 2023 - With Dr. Slađana Kovačević , we talked about urinary incontinence in women, which occurs due to weakening o...Continue reading